Like most people, my wife and I make weekly trips to the grocery store on the weekends. It’s our time to spend together, and it’s always more tolerable when we shop together.
“Tolerable” might be a better term than “enjoyable” because shopping has never been a pleasant experience for me—especially at Trader Joe’s. If you’ve never been to a Trader Joe’s on a Saturday, imagine “organized chaos.”
There’s no clear path for shoppers, so everyone is coming at you from all directions. The aisles are jammed with store employees restocking shelves, blocking you from the products you need. Extra-wide aisles invite shoppers to make sudden U-turns with loaded-down carts, and the noise of toddlers screaming is your constant background soundtrack.
The experience can be overwhelming and frustrating. And yet, every weekend, there we are, braving the chaos of Trader Joe’s.
Why? Because the quality of the products is worth the hassle.
Every item we buy is top-notch. We've never been disappointed, and that’s the point: Just removing negatives doesn’t lead to success—providing value does.
Are you producing value in your life? Not just at work, but in your relationships, finances, and spiritual life? Are you happy with the level at which you’re performing, or do you feel you’re capable of more?
That’s why personal development matters. High-performance achievers don’t just remove negatives—they add value to every aspect of their lives.
Several years ago, I got tired of my own results and committed myself to learning what successful people do differently. Personal development is a skill, and working with someone who knows the strategies can help you grow faster.
If you know you’re capable of more and you’ve been struggling to achieve a goal, let’s talk about it. My mission is to equip you with the tools to cross the finish line.
I wish you all the best that this world has to offer.
David Luscher